FTMW - Filipino Tribe Mission Welfare

Agricultural  HMP3050


FTMW Filipino Tribe Mission Welfare has started agricultural training within the areas of Adlay and Pantukan. Both tribes of Manobo and Mamanwa is involved as many people from the Visaya areas as well. We will through this page link to some work that is done and give an insight in coming projects belonging to this subject.

The agricultural project is a very wide work and is "alive" which means that it is constantly growing with new experiences as the work goes on. We try to connect people and organizations that is interested to help with development of how to get the best outcome from the sea and plantation.
In the agricultural work is included development of knowledge and education in how to manage:
  1.  Fishing

  2.  Seed plantation (rice, corn, wheat etc)

  3.  Food plantation (coconut, banana, pineapple etc)

  4.  Forestry (hardwood, paper, lumbering etc.)

  5.  Environmental issues

In the challenge between people to find better solutions we will present different solutions used in different countries in a try to give inspiration to experiment new methods. Below you can follow links to some of the ongoing projects.

Project number: Project content:
HMP3051 Adlay R&D
HMP3052 Pantukan by Mamanwa tribe

If you find this work interesting, you are very welcome to become a donor.

Donations can be paid to us in EURO on followed account:
IBAN SE31 9500 0099 6042 0418 2960
Bank: NORDEA Sweden
For further information, please contact:
FTMS Filipino Tribe Mission Sweden                                                 Reg. No: 802422-2393
Att: Klaveness
Örngränd 3
681 43 Kristinehamn, Sweden
Phone: +46 760 675 238
Cell Phone: +46 705 987 266
E-mail: ftms@tribemission.com
PG 41 82 96-0
Bg 5495-2361
Print if payment is in SEK or EURO
Bank: NORDEA Sweden
IBAN SE31 9500 0099 6042 0418 2960

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